Showing Collections: 71 - 75 of 75
Thérèse Dufour oral histories, report, and songs
Identifier: MCC-00059
Thomas C. Bouchard oral histories with Enaud Daigle, Armand Berube, and Frederick Fournier
Identifier: MCC-00044
Voices of the Borderland: The Social Impact of International Travel Restrictions in Northern Maine Interviews
Identifier: MCC-00533
William Caron oral histories with Fr. Alphie Marquis and Philip and Lottie Blanchette, photographs and typescript
Identifier: MCC-00101
William Caron oral histories with Philip Blanchette, Claude Audibert, Lily Caron, Roderick Daigle, and Roland Perreault
Identifier: MCC-00102
Filtered By
- Subject: Interviews. X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- Acadian Archives 74
- Blake Library's Special Collections 1
- Subject
- Interviews. 60
- Oral histories (document genres) 51
- Saint John River Valley (Me. and N.B.) 50
- Student projects 49
- Fieldwork (research) 47
- Interviews 15
- Photographs 11
- Folklore 9
- Saint John River Valley (Me. and N.B.)--Social life and customs 9
- Songs 7
- Fort Kent (Me.) 6
- World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American 5
- Aroostook County (Me.)--Social life and customs. 4
- Education--Maine--Aroostook County 4
- Farm life--Maine--Aroostook County 4
- Letters (correspondence) 4
- Allagash (Me.) 3
- Allagash (Me.)--History 3
- Aroostook County (Me.) 3
- Bloodstopping 3
- Essays. 3
- Logging--Maine--Aroostook County 3
- Lumber trade--Maine--Aroostook County 3
- Maps 3
- Music--Saint John River Valley (Me. and N.B.) 3
- Prohibition--Maine 3
- Recipes. 3
- Saint Agatha (Me.)--History 3
- Saint John River Valley (Me. and N.B.)--History 3
- World War, 1939-1945 3
- World War, 1939-1945--Veterans 3
- Acadians--Maine 2
- Acadians--Maine--Aroostook County 2
- Acadians--Maine--Folklore 2
- Acadians--Maine--Music 2
- Acadians--Maine--Saint John River Valley--Social life and customs 2
- Acadians--New Brunswick 2
- Agriculture--Maine--Aroostook County 2
- Border crossing 2
- Canadian-American border region 2
- Digital audiotape recorders and recording 2
- Drawings. 2
- English language 2
- Fiddling--Maine--Aroostook County 2
- French Americans--Maine--Saint John River Valley 2
- French language 2
- Journals. 2
- Lumber trade--Maine--Allagash 2
- Music--New Brunswick 2
- North America, french speaking 2
- Railroads--Maine--Aroostook County 2
- Research materials 2
- Saint Agatha (Me.)--Social life and customs 2
- Saint David (Me.) 2
- Saint Francis (Me.)--History 2
- Smugglers--New Brunswick 2
- Smuggling--Maine--Saint John River Valley--History 2
- Smuggling--New Brunswick 2
- Textiles 2
- Traditional medicine--Maine 2
- Traditional medicine. 2
- video recordings. 2
- Acadians 1
- Acadians--History 1
- Acadians--Maine--History 1
- Acadians--Music 1
- Acadians--Music--Maine--Saint John River Valley 1
- Allagash (Me.)--Social life and customs 1
- Animals--Maine--Allagash 1
- Aroostook County (Me.)--History 1
- Baking 1
- Blacksmithing 1
- Blacksmithing--Maine 1
- COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- 1
- Cajuns 1
- Canoeing 1
- Caribou (Me.)--History 1
- Childbirth 1
- Clair, New Brunswick, Canada 1
- Clippings. 1
- Cold War 1
- Connors (N.B.)--History 1
- Daigle (Me.)--History 1
- Diagrams 1
- Dyes and dyeing--Wool 1
- Edmundston, New Brunswick, Canada 1
- Education, Higher--Maine--Aroostook County 1
- Education--Maine 1
- Espionage 1
- Farm life--New Brunswick 1
- Field notes 1
- Folklore--Maine--Fort Kent 1
- Folklore--New Brunswick 1
- Fort Kent (Me.)--Social life and customs 1
- Frenchville (Me.) 1
- Ghosts stories. 1
- Ghosts--Maine--Fort Kent 1
- History--Research 1
- Influenza--History--20th century 1
- Intelligence officers 1 + ∧ less
- Language
- English 9
- French 5
- Names
- Levesque, Fred (Alfred J. Levesque), 1893-1951 3
- Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company 2
- Blanchette, Philip 2
- Carlson, Shirlee Connors 2
- Caron, William 2
- Connors, James R., 1907-1997 2
- Jacques, Therese 2
- Michaud, Donat, 1892-1986 2
- Albert, Denis 1
- Albert, Ernest, Mrs. 1
- Albert, Jennifer 1
- Albert, Zelia 1
- American Folklife Center 1
- Audibert, Claude 1
- Babin, James 1
- Baker, Connie 1
- Baker, Phil 1
- Bard, Clayton 1
- Beaulieu, Claudette 1
- Beaulieu, Sylvain, 1888-1977 1
- Belanger, Manzer, 1906-1984 1
- Belanger, Manzer, 1948- 1
- Bemis, Chris 1
- Berube, Armand 1
- Berube, Ora Poitras, 1893?- 1
- Blanchette, Lottie 1
- Blesso, Jacqueline Chamberland 1
- Boothby, John 1
- Bossie, Eddie, 1909-1996 1
- Bossie, Joseph R. 1
- Bouchard, Eldin 1
- Bouchard, Fred T., 1896-1981 1
- Bouchard, Iva Daigle, 1893?-1983 1
- Bouchard, Larry 1
- Bouchard, Mary Anne Thibeault, 1917- 1
- Bouchard, Ronald 1
- Bouchard, Thomas C. 1
- Boutot, Annette 1
- Calumette, Marie 1
- Caron, Georginna, 1892-1988 1
- Caron, Lily 1
- Caron, Paul J., 1908-1978 1
- Caron, Paul, 1956- 1
- Catholic Church--Customs and practices 1
- Chamberland, Andrea 1
- Chamberland, Gerard 1
- Chamberland, Lionel 1
- Chamberland, Maria B. 1
- Chasse, Geraldine Pelletier 1
- Chasse, Paul 1
- Chasse, Rose 1
- Chassé, Marc, 1938- 1
- Coleman, Paul 1
- Cyr family 1
- Cyr, Agnes Bellefleur, 1880?-1982 1
- Cyr, Albina, 1920-2007 1
- Cyr, Alby 1
- Cyr, Alphy 1
- Cyr, Alphy, Mrs. 1
- Cyr, Anna Gagnon, 1909-1987 1
- Cyr, Don 1
- Cyr, Jean Paul 1
- Cyr, Joseph A., 1910-1982 1
- Cyr, Joseph M. 1
- Cyr, Joseph Reginald 1
- Cyr, Milton 1
- Cyr, Stephen 1
- Daigle, Albert 1
- Daigle, Alcide 1
- Daigle, Alcide, Mrs. 1
- Daigle, Arthur 1
- Daigle, Brenda 1
- Daigle, Camille, 1909-1994 1
- Daigle, Enaud 1
- Daigle, Roderick 1
- Daigle, Zenon 1
- Deprey, Corine Gervais, 1936-1985 1
- Deprey, Modeste Daigle, 1894-1980 1
- Deschaine, Joseph 1
- Desjardins, Robby 1
- Despres, Lewellyn, 1934-2001 1
- Dionne, Joel 1
- Dionne, Lewis A. 1
- Doucet, Fred, Mrs. 1
- Dubay, Guy F., 1942- 1
- Dube, Joseph 1
- Dube, Kristen 1
- Dubois family 1
- Dufour, Gilberte 1
- Dufour, Louis 1
- Dufour, Thérese 1
- Dumond, Alice Corbin 1
- Dumond, Claude, 1925- 1
- Dumond, Finland, 1920-2007 (Fin) 1
- Dumond, Louis 1
- Ellwood, Stephen 1
- Emond, Marie-France, 1950- 1
- Fournier, Ben 1
- Fournier, Frederick 1
- Frost, Heather 1 + ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more
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