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Showing Collections: 551 - 560 of 560

Wesget Sipu ANA Grant collection

Identifier: MCC-00503
Dates: 1940s; 1992-2012 (bulk 2009-2012); 2014;; Other: Date processed: 2022-04
Found in: Acadian Archives

Wilfred Dumont engraved sketch on wood of the Fort Kent blockhouse

Identifier: MCC-00495
Scope and Contents This collection consists of an engraved sketch of the Fort Kent Blockhouse on a round piece of softwood, probably pine, made by Wildred Dumond in 1960. The area is also engraved with the name Fort Kent State Normal School Est. 1878. The circumference has a rope-like engraving measuring a half-inch wide. The piece measures about 14.5 inches in diameter and is ¾ of an inch thick and has a golden tone with some preservative. The reverse side has the name of Wilfred R. Dumont ’60 engraved in...
Dates: 1960-00-00; Other: Unknown
Found in: Acadian Archives

Wilfrid Gendreau collection of songs and stories

Identifier: MCC-00036
Dates: 1974; Other: Date acquired: 1991-03
Found in: Acadian Archives

William Breton Catholic last rites prayer shadow box

Identifier: mcc-00447
Dates: Approximately 1900; Other: Date acquired: 2018-05-15
Found in: Acadian Archives

William Caron oral histories with Fr. Alphie Marquis and Philip and Lottie Blanchette, photographs and typescript

Identifier: MCC-00101
Dates: 1981; Other: Date acquired: 1991-03
Found in: Acadian Archives

Wolastoqiyik Wahsipekuk First Nation Collection

Identifier: MCC-00570-AX-570
Dates: Publication: 2024
Found in: Acadian Archives

World Acadian Congress 2014 = Congrès mondial Acadien 2014

Identifier: MCC-00480
Scope and Contents This collection consists of documents, pamphlets, maps, printed materials, memorabilia, photographs, newspaper articles, audio-visual materials, and banners that were created for the 2014 World Acadian Congress starting in 2008 with pre-congress events and lasting through the disassembling of the Organizing Committee in 2015. These items were generated to track all events: meetings, conferences, ceremonies, family reunions, concerts, religious ceremonies, etc. that took place during the...
Dates: 2008-2015; Other: 2015
Found in: Acadian Archives

Yvette (Saucier) Stewart collection

Identifier: MCC-00352
Dates: 1936-2010; Other: Date acquired: 2010
Found in: Acadian Archives

Zephirin Cote 1937 Fort Kent High School commencement invitation

Identifier: MCC-00486
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of one commencement invitation, with envelope, for the Class of Nineteen Thirty-seven Fort Kent High School held on Friday, June 25 at eight o’clock pm at the school gymnasium. The invitation belongs to Zephirin J.Cote.

Dates: 1937; Other: 2020-05-00
Found in: Acadian Archives

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Saint John River Valley (Me. and N.B.) 190
Photographs 113
Student projects 87
Fieldwork (research) 78
Oral histories (document genres) 74
∨ more
Interviews. 59
Fort Kent (Me.) 54
Letters (correspondence) 51
Aroostook County (Me.) 43
Fort Kent (Me.)--History 28
Maps 28
Songs 26
Saint John River Valley (Me. and N.B.)--Social life and customs 23
Aroostook County (Me.)--History 20
Census records 20
Manuscripts 19
Saint John River Valley (Me. and N.B.)--History 19
Fort Kent (Me.)--Social life and customs 18
Newspaper clippings 18
Postcards 17
Acadians--Maine 16
Acadians--Maine--Saint John River Valley--Social life and customs 15
Aroostook County (Me.)--Genealogy 15
Interviews 15
Allagash (Me.) 14
Frenchville (Me.) 14
Acadians--History 13
Digital preservation 13
Genealogies 13
Music--Saint John River Valley (Me. and N.B.) 13
Scrapbooks 13
Education--Maine--Aroostook County 12
Folklore 12
Logging--Maine--Aroostook County 12
Madawaska (Me.) 12
Research materials 12
Acadians--Maine--Saint John River Valley 11
Business enterprises--Maine--Fort Kent 11
Canada--Census 11
Church records 11
Saint John River Valley (Me) 11
Acadians--Genealogy 10
Acadians--Maine--Aroostook County 10
Acadians--Maine--Music 10
Arts and crafts 10
Business records 10
Ledgers (accounting) 10
St. John River Valley, Me. 10
Agriculture 9
Aroostook County (Me.)--Population 9
Aroostook County (Me.)--Social life and customs. 9
Farm life--Maine--Aroostook County 9
French Americans--Maine--Saint John River Valley 9
Northeast boundary of the United States 9
Saint Agatha (Me.) 9
Saint John River Valley (Me. and N.B.)--Genealogy 9
Sheet music 9
Van Buren (Me.) 9
World War, 1939-1945--Veterans 9
Fort Kent (Me.)--Education 8
Grand Isle (Me.) 8
Madawaska (N.B.: County)--History 8
Potato industry--Maine--Aroostook County 8
Recipes. 8
Upper Saint John Valley (Me. and N.B.)--History 8
World War, 1939-1945 8
World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American 8
Acadians--New Brunswick 7
Aroostook War, 1839. 7
Banks and banking--Maine--Fort Kent 7
Certificates 7
Madawaska Training School--Fort Kent (Me) 7
New Brunswick--Genealogy 7
Sound recordings 7
Textiles 7
Acadian--Antiquities 6
Allagash (Me.)--History 6
Canada--Population 6
Consumer goods 6
Drawings. 6
Historic sites 6
Lumber trade--Maine--Aroostook County 6
Madawaska (N.B. : County)--Census 6
New Brunswick--Census 6
Newspapers 6
Poems 6
Potato harvesting 6
Saint Agatha (Me.)--History 6
Saint Francis (Me.) 6
Saint John River (Me. and N.B.) 6
Transcripts 6
Typescripts 6
Van Buren (Me.)--History 6
Account books 5
Articles. 5
Canadian Provinces 5
Catholic church 5
Census districts 5
Education, Higher--Maine--Aroostook County 5
Family reunions 5
+ ∧ less
English 135
French 55
No linguistic content; Not applicable 6
Latin 2
Mi'kmaq; Micmac 2
∨ more
Italian 1
+ ∧ less
United States. Census Office 12
Madawaska Training School (Fort Kent, Me.) 10
Craig, Beatrice, 1949- 7
Dubay, Guy F., 1942- 7
Cyr family 6
∨ more
Cyr, Albina, 1920-2007 6
Fort Kent Historical Society (Me.) 6
Saint John Valley Times (Madawaska, Me.) 6
Statistics Canada 6
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company 5
Stadig family 5
Carlson, Shirlee Connors 4
Madawaska Training School (Fort Kent, Me.)--History 4
Mercure, Prudent L., 1873-1913 4
Morin, Gerry, 1945- (Gerard Morin) 4
Stadig, John, 1907-1936 4
United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service 4
University of Maine at Fort Kent--History 4
Chassé, Marc, 1938- 3
Connors, James R., 1907-1997 3
Daigle, Laurel, 1939- 3
Dumond, Finland, 1920-2007 (Fin) 3
Durkin, Debra 3
First National Bank of Fort Kent (Fort Kent, Me.) 3
First National Bank of Fort Kent (Me.) 3
Fort Kent (Me. : Town) 3
Guerrette family 3
Levesque, Fred (Alfred J. Levesque), 1893-1951 3
Marquis, Alphie, Reverend, 1909-2003 (Joseph Alphee Marquis) 3
McBreairty, Darrell, 1949- 3
Pelletier, Gary, 1942- 3
Roy, Ida Bourgoin, 1921-2007 3
Violette, Elmer, 1921-2000 3
Violette, Marcella Bélanger, 1921-2005 3
Anderson, Henry E., 1894-1975 2
Baker, John, 1786-1868 2
Bangor Daily News (Me.) 2
Belanger family 2
Belanger, Manzer, 1906-1984 2
Belanger, Manzer, 1948- 2
Belanger, Roger 2
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772 2
Blanchette, Philip 2
Blesso, Jacqueline Chamberland 2
Boothby, John 2
Bosse family 2
Caron, William 2
Chamberland, Lionel 2
Chasse, Geraldine Pelletier 2
Chasse, Paul 2
Coleman, Paul 2
Collier, John, 1913- 2
Cyr, Anathalie Hébert, 1861-1948 2
Cyr, Don 2
Daigle family 2
Daigle, Lowell E., 1940-1996 2
Delano, Jack, 1914-1997 2
Doucette, Lionel, 1936- 2
Dufour family 2
Dufour, Thérese 2
Etscovitz, Harry L., 1920-2000 2
Fort Kent Telephone Company (Fort Kent, Me.) 2
Fraser Paper (Madawaska, Me.) 2
Gagnon family 2
Gendreau, Joseph 2
Great Northern Paper Company 2
Guimond, Leon A., 1932- (Leon Alfred) 2
Jacques, Therese 2
Jalbert, Samuel, 1889-1972 2
Johnson, Debra, 1953- 2
La Cathedrale Immaculee Conception (Parish : Edmundston, N.B.) 2
Landry, Ned, ?-1990? 2
Lausier, Camille, 1907-1996 2
Lions Clubs International 2
Little Franciscans of Mary 2
Martin family 2
Martin, John L., 1941- 2
McBreairty family 2
Michaud family 2
Michaud, Amaranthe J., 1908-1974 2
Michaud, Donat, 1892-1986 2
Michaud, Gilbert 2
Michaud, Jean-Paul, 1943- 2
Nadeau, Rose, 1922-2011 2
Ornstein, Lisa 2
Ornstein, Lisa, 1955- 2
Ouellette family 2
Paradis family 2
Pelletier, Blanche Levesque, 1915-2008 2
Picard, Cecile Marquis, 1906-1976 2
Roy family 2
Roy, Raymond 2
Saint Louis Parish (Fort Kent, Me.) 2
Saint-Basile (Parish : Saint-Basile, N.B.) 2
Saint-François Xavier (Parish : Saint-François, N.B.) 2
Saucier, Gary, 1948- 2
Sproule, George, 1741-1817 2
St. Pierre, Gilman 2
Stadig, Rita B. 2
Ste-Agathe Historical Society 2
+ ∧ less